Mark Catesby's Plants

A listing of the plants drawn and described by Mark Catesby in The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands (published in 2 volumes and an Appendix)

The plants are listed in alphabetical order by current scientific name. Catesby's work was concluded before the publication of Species Plantarum and is therefore pre-Linnaean. Although he was only an amateur artist and he did not provide great detail in his drawings (particularly of the flower parts vital to Linnaean classification), Carl Linnaeus cited his work many times in Species Plantarum (first published in 1753). The Third Edition of the Natural History, printed in 1771 long after Catesby's death, included a Linnaean classification by George Edwards. The current scientific names were determined by reference to Species Plantarum and this listing by George Edwards. Additional information was obtained from the Beehive Press 1974 edition of the Natural History and various online resources as listed in the Sources of Information.

Listing of plant author abbreviations

Since Species Plantarum was a pivotal work in the classification of plants and the standardization of botanical nomenclature, references to Species Plantarum are included. The number of references serves as an indication of the great value of Catesby's work. Jan Frederik Gronovius also cited Catesby by plate number in his Flora Virginica Ist and 2nd editions (1739, 1762).

Catesby numbered his drawings in each volume from 1 to 100 and in the Appendix from 1 to 20. The page of text relating to the drawing was similarly numbered. The "Catesby Ref" column below gives the Volume and plate number for each plant, along with the short name that Catesby gave it. The short name is either a common name found in the accompanying text, or the short version of the Latin name that Catesby used to label the drawing. If no short name was given, the reference uses the first part of the long Latin name.

For some plants the accompanying text is particularly interesting, quirky or illuminating. In these cases a quote has been included as "Catesby Desc". Similarly, where location information was given, it is included in "Catesby Loc".

Further background information

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Current Scientific Name Current Common Name
Acer rubrum L. Red Maple

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1055

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 62 - The Red Flow'ring Maple

Catesby Desc: "the flowers... adorning the woods earlier than any other forest trees in Carolina. They endure our English climate as well as they do their native one; as appears by many large ones in the garden of Mr. Bacon at Hoxton."

Amyris elemifera L. Sea Torchwood

Synonym: A. maritima

Distribution: South Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 33 - Frutex &c

Anacardium occidentale L. Cashew

Distribution: Caribbean, Brazil

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 383

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 9 - The Cushew Tree

Catesby Desc: "nut not unlike in form and size to a hare's kidney,... containing a kernel resembling an almond in size and taste. The shell inclosing this kernal is double, and contains an acrimonious caustick inflammable oil."

Catesby Loc: "Jamaica, Hispaniola, and many other places of America within the Tropicks."

Annona cherimola Mill. Cherimoya

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 67 - Anona

Annona glabra L. Pond Apple

Synonym: A. palustris

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 537

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 64 - Anona

Annona reticulata L. Custard Apple

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 537

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 86 - Anona...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Aristolochia serpentaria L. Virginia Snakeroot, Virginia Dutchmanspipe

Synonym: A. convovlulacea, A. hastata, A. nashii

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 961

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 29 - The Snake-Root of Virginia

Catesby Desc: "The usual price of this excellent root, both in Virginia and Carolina, is about six pence a pound when dryed, which is money hardly earned. Yet the Negro slaves (who only dig it) employ much of the little time allowed them by their masters in search of it; which is the cause of there being seldom found any but very small plants."

Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal Pawpaw

Synonym: Annona triloba

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 537 (under Annona triloba)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 85 - Anona...

Catesby Loc: "... low shady swamps, and in a very fat soil."

Avicennia germinans (L.) L. Black Mangrove

Synonym: A. nitida, Bontia germinans

Distribution: Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 85 - Frutex bahamensis...

Banara reticulata Griseb. Banara

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 42 - Frutex foliis oblongis &c.

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Bignonia capreolata L. Crossvine

Synonym: Anisostichus capreolata, A. cruigera

Distribution: Southeast USA + some Mid-West

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 82 - Bignonia Americana...

Catesby Loc: Virginia and Carolina.

Borrichia arborescens (L.) Tree Seaside Tansy

Synonym: Buphthalmum arborescens

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 93 - Chrysanthemum &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Bourreria succulenta Jacq. Bodywood

Synonym: B. ovata

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 79 - Pittonia

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Gumbo Limbo

Synonym: Elaphrium simaruba, Pistacia simaruba

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 30 - The Gum-Elimy Tree

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam. Brasiletto

Synonym: C. reticulata, C. rugeliana

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 380 (under C. brasiliensis but later classified and cited by Britton and Millspaugh (The Bahama Flora 1920) as C. bahamensis)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 51 - Brasiletto

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Callicarpa americana L. American Beautyberry

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 111

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 47 - Frutex &c

Catesby Loc: "... woods near Charles-Town in Carolina."

Calycanthus floridus L. Eastern Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice

Distribution: Eastern USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 46 - Frutex corni foliis &c.

Catesby Loc: "...grow in the remote and hilly parts of Carolina, but no where amongst the inhabitants."

Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau Common Trumpetcreeper, Trumpet Creeper, Cow-itch

Synonym: Bignonia radicans, Tecoma radicans

Distribution: Most of USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 624 (under Bignonia radicans)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 65 - The Trumpet-flower

Catesby Desc: "The humming birds delight to feed on these flowers; and, by thrusting themselves too far into the flower, are sometimes caught."

Canella winterana (L.) Gaertn. Wild Cinnamon

Synonym: C. alba, Laurus winterana

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 371 (under Laurus winterana)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 50 - Winter's Bark

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Carya alba (L.) Nutt. Mockernut Hickory

Synonym: C. tomentosa, Hicoria tomentosa, Juglans alba

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 997 (under Juglans alba)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 38 - The Hiccory Tree

Catesby Desc: "The kernel is sweet and well tasted, from which the Indians draw a wholesome and pleasant oil, storing them up for their winter-provision. The hogs and many wild animals receive great benefit from them. The wood is course-grained; yet of much use for many things belonging to agriculture. Of the saplings or young trees are made the best hoops for tobacco, rice and tar-barrels: And for the fire no wood in the northern parts of America is in so much request."

Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch Bitternut Hickory

Synonym: Hicoria cordiformis

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 38 - The Pignut

Casasia clusifolia (Jacq.) Urb. Sevenyear Apple

Synonym: Genipa clusifolia, Randia clusifolia

Distribution: Florida. Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 59 - The Seven Years Apple

Catesby Loc: "I know not for what reason the inhabitants of the Bahama Island (where it grows) call it the Seven Years Apple."

Castanea pumila (L.) Mill. Allegheny Chinkapin, Chinkapin, Northern Catalpa

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 998 (under Fagus pumila)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 9 - The Chinkapin

Catalpa bignonioides Walter Southern Catalpa

Synonym: C. catalpa

Distribution: Most of USA + Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 622 (under Bignonia catalpa)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 49 - The Catalpah Tree

Catesby Loc: "unknown to the inhabited parts of Carolina, 'till I brought the seeds from the remoter parts of the country. And tho the inhabitants are little curious in gardening, yet the uncommon beauty of the tree has induc'd them to propagate it; and 'tis become an ornament to many of their gardens, and probably will be the same to ours in England, it being as hardy as most of our American plants; many of them now at Mr. Christopher Greys, at Fulham, having stood out several winters, and produced plentifully their beautiful flowers, without any protection, except the fifth year."

Catesbaea spinosa L. Lilythorn

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 109

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 100 - Catesbaea N.B. It is not without reluctancy, that I here exhibit a plant with my own name annexed to it; but the regard and obligations I owe to my learned friend Dr. J. F. Gronovius of Leyden, who was pleased some years since to honour me, tho undeservedly, with the title of this genus, obliges me not to suppress it."

Catesby Desc: "In the year 1726 there was several young plants of it raised by many to whom I distributed seeds, that I brought back from Providence; but none were so successful in raising it, as Mr. Powers, a skilful and curious gardiner, at Mr. Blathwait's of Derham, near Bath, who raised a plant which produced many fair and ample blossoms, some specimens of which he sent to my friend Mr. Peter Collinson, in the year 1734."

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez Powdery Strap Airplant

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 77 - Viscum

Chionanthus virginicus L. White Fringetree

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 8

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 68 - The Fringe Tree

Catesby Loc: "On the banks of rivulets and running streams this shrub is most commonly found."

Chrysobalanus icaco L. Coco Plum

Synonym: C. interior, C. pellocarpus, C. savannarum

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 25 - The Cocoa Plum

Cissus tuberculata Jacq. West Indian Treebine

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 48 - Frutex &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames Rosebud Orchid

Synonym: Pogonia divaricata

Distribution: East Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 951 (under Arethusa divaricata)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 58 - The Lilly-leaf'd Hellebore

Clethra alnifolia L. Summersweet Clethra, Coastal Sweetpepperbush

Synonym: C. tomentosa, C. alnifolia var tomentosa

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 396

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 66 - Alni-folia &c

Catesby Loc: "This shrub grows in moist places, and sometimes in water,..." "endures our climate in the open air, and flourishes at Mr. Christ. Gray's in Fulham."

Clusia rosea Jacq. Florida Clusia, Scotch Attorney

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 99 - The Balsam-Tree

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Tietongue

Synonym: C. floridana, C. laurifolia

Distribution: Fl, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 94 - Pigeon-Plum

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Seagrape

Synonym: Polygonum uvifera

Distribution: Florida, HI, MS, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 96 - The Mangrove Grape Tree

Catesby Desc: "Dampier says the wood of this tree makes a strong fire, therefore used by the privateers to harden the steels of their guns, when faulty."

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott Coco Yam

Synonym: C. antiquorum, Arum esculentum

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 45 - Arum &c.

Catesby Loc: "... not caring to encrease much in Carolina, and will grow no where north of that colony; yet the Negros there (who are very fond of them) by annually taking up the roots to prevent rotting, get a small encrease."

Colubrina elliptica (Sw.) Brizicky & W.L.Stern Soldierwood

Synonym: C. reclinata

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 10 - Red-wood

Catesby Loc: "the rocks of most of the Bahama Islands."

Commelina virginica L. Virginia Dayflower

Synonym: C. deficiens, C. longifolia

Distribution: Eastern USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 62 - Pseudo Phalangium

Conocarpus erectus L. Button Mangrove

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 33 - Button-Wood

Catesby Loc: "As Sir Hans Sloane in his Natural History of Jamaica, has accurately described this tree, I conceive it necessary to add only what I know more concerning it. They grow always near the sea and in salt water, and are found on all the coasts of America between the Tropicks in greater plenty than any other shrub."

Cordia sebestena L. Largeleaf Geigertree

Synonym: Sebesten sebestana

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 190

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 91 - Caryophyllus...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Cornus florida L. Flowering Dogwood

Synonym: Cynoxylon floridum

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 117

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 27 - The Dogwood Tree

Catesby Desc: "In Virginia I found one of these Dogwood Trees with flowers of a rose colour, which was luckily blown down, and many of its branches had taken root, which I transplanted into a garden. That with the white flower Mr. Fairchild has in his garden."

Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Cascarilla

Distribution: Bahamas

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1042 (under Clutia eluteria)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 46 - The Ilathera Bark

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Cypripedium acaule Aiton Moccasin Flower, Lady's slipper Orchid

Synonym: Fissipes acaulis

Distribution: Eastern USA (not Florida), most of Canada

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 3 - Calceolus...

Catesby Desc: "This plant produces the most elegant flower of all the Helleborine tribe, and is in great esteem with the North American Indians for decking their hair, &c. they call it the Moccasin flower, which also signifies in their language a shoe, or slipper."

Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper

Synonym: C. calceolus ssp, parviflorum, C. calceolus var. parviflorum

Distribution: Most of USA and Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 72 - The Lady's Slipper of Pensilvania

Catesby Desc: "This curious Helleborine was sent form Pensilvania by Mr. John Bertram, who by his industry and inclination to the searches into nature, has discovered and sent over a great many new productions both animal and vegetable. This plant flowered in Mr. Collinson's garden in April, 1738."

Cypripedium pubescens var. pubescens Willd. Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper

Synonym: C. calceolus var. planipetalum (+ var. pubescens), C. furcatum, C. parviflorum var. pubescens, C. planipetalum

Distribution: Most of USA and Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 73 - The Yellow Lady's Slipper

Catesby Loc: "They grow on the sandy banks of Carolina, Virginia, and Pensilvania, from which last place they were introduced to the garden of Mr. Peter Collinson at Peckham, where they flowered in perfection."

Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.) Taub. Coinvine

Synonym: Ecastaphyllum ecastaphyllum , Ecastaphyllum brownei

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 24 - Arbor Populi &c

Decumaria barbara L. Woodvamp

Distribution: Southeast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 52 - Frutex &c

Catesby Loc: native of Virginia

Dendropemon purpureus (L.) Krug & Urb. Smooth Leechbush

Synonym: Phthirusa purpurea

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1023 (under Viscum purpureum)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 95 - Viscum foliis...

Catesby Desc: "The wood of this tree is coarse grained, very heavy and durable, beautifully shaded with dark, and lighter streaks, for which it is in great esteem for tables and cabinets, and other curious works of joinery; but the virulent and dangerous properties of these trees, cause a general fear, or at least caution, in felling them; this I was not sufficiently satisfyed of, 'till assisting in the cutting down a tree of this kind on Andros Island, I paid for my incredulity, some of the milky poisonous juice spurting in my eyes, I was two days totally deprived of sight, and my eyes, and face, much swelled, and felt a violent pricking pain, the first twenty-four hours, which from that time abated gradually with the swelling, and went off without any application, or remedy, none in that uninhabited land to be had..."

Diospyros virginiana L. Common Persimmon

Synonym: D. mosieri

Distribution: Eastern USA + California

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1057

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 76 - Guajacana

Catesby Loc: "... grow plentifully in CArolina, Virginia and most of the northern colonies in America, and are lately become naturalized to our climate, having here ripen'd its fruit in the open air."

Dodecatheon meadia L. Common Shooting Star, Pride of Ohio

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 144

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 1 - Meadia

Catesby Desc: "It flowered in Mr. Collinson's garden at Peckham in September 1744, from seeds sent him by Mr. Bartram, who gathered them from beyond the Apalatchian mountains, which lie parallel with Virginia."
"To this new genus of plants I have given the name of the learned Dr. Richard Mead, physician to His Majesty, and F.R.S. for gratitude for his zealous patronage of arts and sciences in general, and in particular for his generous assistance towards carrying the original design of this work into execution."

Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Eastern Purple Coneflower

Synonym: Brauneria purpurea

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 907 (under Rudbeckia purpurea)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 59 - Chrysanthemum

Catesby Loc: "They grow on the banks of the Savanna River, about five hundred miles from the mouth of it. We have had it flower in England, but it is now lost."

Echites unbellata Jacq. Devil's Potato

Synonym: Echites echites

Distribution: Florida, Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 58 - Dog s-bane

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Encyclia boothiana (Lindl.) Dressler Dollar Orchid

Synonym: Epicladium boothianum, Epidendrum erythronioides

Distribution: Florida.

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 74 - Viscum

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Encyclia cochleata (L.) Dressler Clamshell Orchid

Synonym: Epidendrum cochleatum, Anacheillum cochleatum

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 88 - Viscum radice...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. Night Scented Orchid

Synonym: Amphiglottis nocturna

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 68 - Viscum caryophylloides

Epidendrum plicatum Lindl. Pleated Orchid

Distribution: Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 88 - Viscum caryophylloides...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Erythrina herbacea L. Redcardinal, Eastern Coralbean

Synonym: E. arborea

Southeast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 706

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 49 - Corallodendron &c

Ficus citrifolia Mill. Shortleaf Fig, Wild Banyantree

Synonym: F. brevifolia, F. laevigata

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1060 (under F. indica but later classified and cited by Britton and Millspaugh (The Bahama Flora 1920) as F. brevifolia)

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 18 - Ficus citrii...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Fraxinus americana L. White Ash

Synonym: F. biltmoreana

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1057

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 80 - Fraxinus &c

Galactia rudolphioides (Griseb.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex C.Wright Red Milk-pea

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 28 - An Phaseolus &c.

Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) W.T.Aiton Evening Trumpetflower, Carolina Jessamine

Synonym: Bignonia sempervirens

Distribution: Southeast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 623 (under Bignonia sempervirens)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 53 - The yellow Jessamy

Catesby Loc: "everywhere in Carolina. They are likewise at Mr. Gray's at Fulham; where by their thriving state, they seem to like our soil and climate."

Gentiana catesbaei Walter Elliott's Gentian

Synonym: Dasystephana latifolia, D. parviflora, G. elliottii

Distribution: East Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 228 (under Gentiana saponaria)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 70 - Gentiana &c

Gleditsia aquatica Marshall Water Honeylocust, Water Locust

Distribution: South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1056-7 (as var. of G. triacanthos)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 43 - Acacia

Catesby Loc: "This tree I never saw but at the plantation of Mr. Waring on Ashley River, growing in shallow water."

Gordonia lasianthus (L.) J.Ellis Loblolly Bay

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 783 (under Hypericum lasianthus)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 44 - The Loblolly Bay

Catesby Desc: "The wood is somewhat soft; yet I have seen some beautiful tables made of it. "

Catesby Loc: "It grows in Carolina; but not in any of the more northern colonies."

Haematoxylum campechianum L. Bloodwoodtree

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 384

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 66 - Logwood

Halesia carolina L. Carolina Silverbell

Synonym: H. parviflora

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 64 - Frutex &c

Hamamelis virginiana L. American Witchhazel, Witchhazel

Synonym: H. macrophylla

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 124

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 2 - Hamamelis

Catesby Desc: "For this plant I am obliged to Mr. Clayton, who in the year 1743 sent it me in a case of earth from Virginia. It arrived in Christmas, and was then in full bloom."

Hippomane mancinella L. Manchineel

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1191

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 95 - The Mancaneel-Tree

Hymenocallis caroliniana (L.) Herb. Carolina Spiderlily

Synonym: H. coronaria, H. georgiana, H. occidentalis, H. palusvirensis, Pancratium carolinianum

Distribution: Southeast USA + some Mid-West

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 291 (under Pancratium carolinianum)

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 5 - Lilio-Narcissus...

Catesby Loc: "... I saw growing in a bog near Pallucbucula, an Indian town on the Savanna river within the precinct of Georgia."

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville Common Goldstar, Eastern Yellow Star-grass

Synonym: H. decumbens, Ornithogalum hirsutum

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 33 - The Little Yellow Star-Flower

Catesby Loc: "...grows plentifully in most of the open pasture lands in Carolina and Virginia, where these [Large] Larks most frequent and feed on the seed of it."

Ilex cassine L. Dahoon Holly

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 125

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 31 - The Dahoon Holly

Catesby Loc: "This is a very uncommon plant in Carolina, I having never seen it but at Col. Bull's Plantation on Ashley River, where it grows in a bog."

Ilex vomitoria Aiton Yaupon Holly

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 125 (as var. of I. cassine)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 57 - Cassena &c

Catesby Desc: "But the great esteem and use the American Indians have for it, gives it a greater character. They say, that from the earliest times the virtues of this shrub has been known, and in use among them, prepared in the manner they now do it, which is after having dryed, or rather parched the leaves in a porrage-pot over a slow fire, they keep it for use: of this they prepare their beloved liquor, making a strong decoction of it, which they drink in large quantities, as well as for their health as with great gust and pleasure, without any sugar or other mixture, yet they drink and disgorge it with ease, repeating it very often, and swallowing many quarts."

Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Sweet Potato

Synonym: I. fastigiata, I. tiliacea, I. triloba, Convolvulus batatas, C. tiliaceus

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 154 (under Convolvulus batatas)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 60 - The Virginian Potato

Catesby Desc: includes five different kinds of potato: Common, Bermudas, Brimstone, Carrot and Claret.

Ipomoea cordatotriloba Dennst. var. cordatotriloba Cotton Morning Glory, Tievine

Synonym: I. carolina, I. caroliniana, I. trichocarpa, Convolvulus carolinus

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 160 (under I. carolina)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 91 - Convulvus minor...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Ipomoea sagittata Poir. Saltmarsh Morning Glory

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 35 - The Purple Bind-Weed of Carolina

Catesby Desc: "Col. Moore, a gentleman of good reputation in Carolina, told me, that he has seen an Indian daub himself with the juice of this plant; immediately after which, he handled a rattle-snake with his naked hands without receiving any harm from it... And I have heard several others affirm, that they have seen the Indians use a plant to guard themselves against the venom of this sort of snake; but they were not observers nice enough to inform me what kind it was of."

Jacaranda caerulea Juss. Jacaranda

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 42 - The broad leaf'd Guaicum, with blue Flowers

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Jacquinia keyensis Mez Joewood

Distribution: Florida.

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 98 - Soap-wood

Catesby Desc: "The bark dan leaves of this tree being beat in a mortar produces a lather; and is made use of to wash cloaths and linen, to which last it gives a yellowness. The hunters who frequent the desolate Islands of Bahama, (where this shrub grows on the sea-coast) are frequently necessitated to use this sort of soap to wash their shirts, for want of better."

Juglans nigra L. Black Walnut

Synonym: Wallia nigra

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 997

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 67 - The Black Walnut

Catesby Loc: "Most parts of the northern continent of America abound with these trees, particularly Virginia and Maryland, towards the heads of the rivers..."

Kalmia angustifolia L. Sheep Laurel

Distribution: Northeast USA and East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 391

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 17 - Chamoerhododendrons...

Catesby Desc: "Several of these young trees have been sent from Pensylvania by Mr. Bartram, who first discovered them there, but they have not yet produced any blossoms here; and tho they have been planted some years, they make but slow progress in their growth, and seem to be one of those American plants that do not affect our soil and climate."

Catesby Loc: "This elegant tree adorns the western and remote parts of Pensylvania, always growing in the most steril soil, or on the rocky declivities of hills and river banks, in shady moist places."

Kalmia latifolia L. Mountain Laurel

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 391

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 98 - Chamaedaphne...

Catesby Desc: "After several unsuccessful attempts to propagate it from seeds, I procured a plant of it at several times from America, but with little better success, for they gradually diminished, and produced no blossoms; 'till my curious friend Mr. Peter Collinson, excited by a view of its dryed specimens, and description of it, procured some plants of it from Pensilvania, which climate being nearer to that of England, than from whence mine came, some bunches of blossoms were produced in July 1740, and in 1741, in my garden at Fulham."

Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit Lead Tree, White Lead Tree

Synonym: L. glauca, Mimosa leucocephala

Distribution: Mex.

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 42 - Acacia &c.

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Leucothoe racemosa (L.) A.Gray Swamp Doghobble

Synonym: L. elongata, Eubotrys elongata, E. racemosa

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 394 (under Andromeda paniculata)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 43 - Frutex &c

Catesby Loc: moist places in Virginia and Carolina

Lilium canadense L. Canada Lily

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 303

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 11 - Lilium five...

Catesby Desc: "These plants were produced from scaly roots sent from Pensylvania, and have flowered several years in Mr. Collinson's garden at Peckham."

Lilium catesbaei Walter Pine Lily

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 58 - The Red Lilly

Catesby Loc: Carolina

Lilium michauxii Poir. Carolina Lily

Synonym: L. carolinianum, L. fortunofulgidum, L. superbum var. carolinianum

Distribution: East and South USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 56 - Lilium &c

Catesby Desc: "... introduced into England from Pensilvania by my friend Mr. Peter Collinson, in whose curious garden it flow red in perfection..."

Lilium philadelphicum L. Wood Lily

Distribution: Most of USA and Canada

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 8 - Lilium angustifolium...

Catesby Loc: "It is a native of Pensilvania, and blossomed in Mr. Peter Collinson's garden at Peckham, Anno 1743."

Lilium superbum L. Turk s-cap Lily

Synonym: L. mary-henryae, L. gazarubrum, L. canadense ssp. superbum

Distribution: Eastern USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 50 - Not shown

Liquidambar styraciflua L. Sweetgum

Distribution: Eastern USA + California

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 65 - The Sweet Gum-Tree

Liriodendron tulipifera L. Tulip Poplar, Tuliptree

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 535

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 48 - The Tulip Tree

Catesby Loc: "found in most parts of the northern continent of America, from the Cape of Florida to New England. The timber is of great use."

Magnolia acuminata (L.) L. Cucumbertree

Synonym: M. cordata, Tulipastrum acuminatum, T. cordatum

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 536 (under M. virginiana var. acuminata) (Linnaeus mistakenly cites page Volume II plate 15 instead of Appendix plate 15)

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 15 - Magnolia...

Catesby Desc: "Specimens of this tree were first sent me in the year 1736, by my worthy friend John Clayton, Esq; of Virginia, and from the only tree known in the country. Since which Mr. Bartram of Pensylvania has discovered many of them in that province, from the seeds of which I am in hopes of raising some. Mr. Bartram saw them growing on the north branch of Susquehannah River; some of them were above an hundred feet in height. The wood has a fine grain, very tough, and of an orange colour. The Indians make bowls of the wood."

Magnolia grandiflora L. Southern Magnolia

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 536 (under M. virginiana var. foetida)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 61 - The Laurel Tree of Carolina

Catesby Desc: "What much adds to the value of this tree is, that it is so far naturalized and become a denizen to our country and climate, as to adorn first the garden of that worthy and curious baronet, Sir John Colliton, of Exmouth in Devonshire, where for these three years past, it has produced plenty of blossoms, since that and in the year 1737, one of them blossom'd at Parson's Green, in the garden of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Wager; one of which blossoms expanded, measured eleven inches over."

Catesby Loc: "Their native place is Florida and South Carolina, to the north of which I have never seen any , nor heard that they grow.

Magnolia macrophylla Michx. Bigleaf Magnolia

Distribution: Southeast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 536 (under M. virginiana var. tripetala)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 80 - The Umbrella Tree

Magnolia virginiana L. Sweetbay

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 535

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 39 - The Sweet flowring Bay

Catesby Loc: "They grow naturally in moist places, and often in shallow water; and what is extraordinary, they being removed on high dry ground, become more regular and handsomer trees, and are more prolific of flowers and fruit."
"...native of both Virginia and Carolina, and is growing at Mr. Fairchild's in Hoxton, and at Mr. Collinson's at Peckham..."

Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. emarginata (L.) Cronquist Wild Dilly

Synonym: M. bahamenis, Mimusops emarginata, Achras emarginata, Sloanea emarginata

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 512 (under Sloanea emarginata)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 87 - The Sappadillo Tree

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Menispermum canadense L. Common Moonseed

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 51 - Smilax &c.

Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb. Florida Poisontree

Synonym: Amyris toxifera

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 40 - The Poisson-Wood

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Monotropa uniflora L. Indianpipe

Synonym: M. brittonii

Distribution: Most of USA and Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 387-388

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 36 - Broom-Rape

Morella cerifera (L.) Small Wax Myrtle

Synonym: Myrica cerifera, Myrica pusilla, Cerothamnus ceriferus, C. pumilus

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1024 (under Myrica cerifera)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 69 - The Narrow-leaved Candle-berry Myrtle

Catesby Desc: "In November and December, at which time the berries are mature, a man with his family will remove from his home to some island or sandbanks near the sea, where these trees most abound, taking with him kettles to boil the berries in. He builds himself a hut with Palmeto-leaves, for the shelter of himself and family while they stay, which is commonly three or four weeks."
"The man cuts down the trees, while the children strip off the berries into a porrige-pot; and having put water to em, they boil them 'till the oil floats, which is skim'd off into another vessel. This is repeated till there remains no more oil. This, when cold, hardens to the consistence of wax, and is of a dirty green colour. Then they boil it again, and clarify it in brass kettles; which gives it a transparent greenness. These candles burn a long time, and yield a grateful smell. They usually add a fourth part of tallow; which makes them burn clearer."

Morella pennsylvanica (Mirb.) Kartesz Northern Bayberry

Synonym: Myrica pensylvanica

Distribution: Mid to northeast USA + East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1024 (as variety of Myrica cerifera)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 13 - The broad-leaved Candleberry Myrtle

Nectandra coriacea (Sw.) Griseb. Florida Nectandra, Lancewood

Synonym: Ocotea coriacea, Laurus coricacea

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 28 - Cornus &c.

Nyssa aquatica L. Water Tupelo

Synonym: N. uniflora

Distribution: Southeast USA + some Mid-West

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1058

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 41 - The Tupelo Tree

Catesby Desc: "The grain of the wood is curled and very tough, and therefore very proper for naves of cart-wheels and other country-uses. "

Catesby Loc: "...grow usually in moist places in Virginia, Maryland and Carolina."

Nyssa ogeche Bartram ex Marshall Ogeechee Tupelo

Synonym: N. acuminata

Distribution: Florida, AL, GA, SC

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1058 (under Nyssa aquatica)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 60 - The Water Tupelo

Catesby Desc: "the roots... are used in Carolina for the same purposes as cork, stop gourds and bottles. These trees always grow in wet places, and usually in the shallow parts of rivers and in swamps."

Orontium aquaticum L. Goldenclub

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 82 - Arum aquaticum minus

Oryza sativa L. Rice

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA + California

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 14 - Rice

Osmanthus americanus (L.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex A.Gray Devilwood

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 61 - The Purple-berried Bay

Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC. Sourwood

Synonym: Andromeda arboreum

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 394 (under Andromeda arborea)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 71 - The Sorrel-tree

Panax quinquefolius L. American Ginseng

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 16 - The Ginseng, or Ninsin of the Chinese

Catesby Desc: Description of Chinese Ginseng from a Jesuit missionary, Father Jartuox.

Passiflora cupraea L. Passion-Flower

Distribution: Bahamas

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 955

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 93 - Grandilla...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Passiflora suberosa L. Corkystem Passionflower

Synonym: P. pallida

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean, TX

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 51 - Flos Passionis &c

Peltandra sagittifolia (Michx.) Morong White Arrow Arum

Synonym: P. glauca, P. luteospadix, P. virginica ssp. luteospadix

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 83 - Arum Sagitariae...

Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin Hammock Viper s-tail

Synonym: Urechites lutea, U. pinetorum

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 53 - Apocynum &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng. Redbay

Synonym: P. littoralis, Tamala borbonia, T. littoralis

Distribution: Southeast and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 370 (under Laurus borbonia)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 63 - The Red Bay

Catesby Loc: "not common in Virginia, except in some places near the sea. In Carolina they are every where seen, particularly in low swampy lands."

Philadelphus inodorus L. Scentless Mockorange

Synonym: P. gloriosus, P. grandiflorus

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 470

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 84 - Philadelphus...

Catesby Loc: seen only on the banks of the Savannah River

Phoradendron rubrum (L.) Griseb. Mahogany Mistletoes

Distribution: Florida.

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1023 (under Viscum rubrum)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 81 - Viscum

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Phymosia abutiloides (L.) Desv. Bahaman Thymosa

Distribution: Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 77 - Ketmia &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Picrodendron macrocarpum (A.Rich.) Britton Blackwood, Jamaica Walnut

Synonym: P. baccatum, Juglans baccata, Schmidelia macrocarpa

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 32 - Tapia &c.

Pithecolobium mucronatum Britton Cat's Claw

Distribution: Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 97 - Acacia...

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Platanus occidentalis L. American Sycamore

Synonym: P. glabrata

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 999

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 56 - The Western Plane-Tree

Catesby Loc: "In Virginia they are plentifully found, in all the lower parts of the country; but in Carolina there are but few, except on the hilly parts, particularly on the banks of the Savannah River."

Plumeria obtusa L. Singapre Graveyard Flower

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 210

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 93 - Plumeria flore...

Plumeria rubra L. Templetree

Synonym: P. acutifolia, P. tricolor

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 209-10

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 92 - Plumeria flore...

Catesby Desc: "in great esteem for its odour and ornament."

Podophyllum peltatum L. Mayapple

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 505

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 24 - The May Apple

Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H.R.Sweet Greater Yellowspike Orchid

Synonym: P. minuta, P. extinctoria, P. flavescens, P. luteola

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 55 - Viscum &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Populus balsamifera L. Balsam Poplar

Distribution: North USA + Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1034

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 34 - The Black Poplar of Carolina

Catesby Loc: "..grows only near rivers, above the inhabited parts of Carolina."

Prunus virginiana L. Chokecherry

Distribution: Most of USA and Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 473

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 28 - The Cluster'd Black Cherry

Catesby Loc: "in the thick wood of Carolina where these trees most abound. They seldom grow bigger than a man's leg..."

Ptelea trifoliata L. Common Hoptree

Distribution: East and South USA + East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 83 - Frutex Virginianus...

Catesby Loc: "upper Parts of the Savannah River in Carolina."

Quercus alba L. White Oak

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 996

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 21 - The White Oak

Quercus laevis Walter Turkey Oak

Synonym: Q. catesbaei

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 994 (as variety of Q. phellos)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 22 - The Highland Willow Oak

Catesby Desc: "Most of these oaks are growing at Mr. Fairchild's."

Quercus marilandica Muenchh. Blackjack Oak

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 995-6 (as var. of Q. nigra)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 19 - The Black Oak

Quercus nigra L. Water Oak

Synonym: Q. microcarya

Distribution: East and South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 995

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 20 - The Water-oak

Catesby Desc: "Their acorns are small and bitter, and are rejected by the hogs, while others are to be found."

Quercus phellos L. Willow Oak

Distribution: East and South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 994

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 16 - The Willow-oak

Catesby Desc: "In mild winters they retain their leaves in Carolina, but in Virginia they drop."

Quercus prinus L. Chestnut Oak

Synonym: Q. montana

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 995

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 18 - The Chestnut-oak

Quercus rubra L. Northern Red Oak

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 996 (Two citations - one for Volume 1 plate 23 and one for Volume I plate 21 (which Catesby had identified as the White Oak with pointed Notches))

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 23 - The Red Oak

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 21 - The White Oak with pointed Notches

Quercus virginiana Mill. Live Oak

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 994 (as variety of Q. phellos)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 17 - The Live Oak

Catesby Desc: "The acorns are the sweetest of all others; of which the Indians usually lay up store, to thicken their venison soup, and prepare them other ways. They likewise draw and oil, very pleasant and wholesome, little inferior to that of Almonds."

Rhizophora mangle L. Red Mangrove

Distribution: NC, SC, Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 63 - The Mangrove Tree

Rhododendron maximum L. Great Laurel, Rosebay Rhododendron

Synonym: R. ashleyi

Distribution: Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 392

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 17 - Chamaedaphne...

Catesby Loc: "... native of Pensylvania, and produced its blossoms at Peckham in September, 1743, and several succeeding years."

Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr. Swamp Azalea

Distribution: East Coast and South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 151 (under Azalea viscosa)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 57 - The Upright Honeysuckle

Catesby Loc: "Tis a native of Virginia and Carolina, but will endure our climate in the open air, having for some years past produc'd its beautiful and fragrant blooms at Mr. Bacon's at Hoxton, at Mr. Collinson's at Peckham; and at Mr. Christopher Gray's, at Fulham."

Rhus glabra L. Smooth Sumac

Synonym: R. borealis, R. calophylla

Distribution: All USA, most of Canada

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 4 - Rhus glabrum...

Catesby Desc: "But that which distinguishes it, and gives it the preference to all the other species of it, is the resplendency of it scarlet panicles; the colour of which beings to appear in July with a tincture of yellow; but as the fruit ripens, the scarlet heightens, as appears by plants in their full lustre in Mr. Christopher Gray's garden at Fulham."
"N.B. A warm summer is requisite to perfect the colour in our climate."

Robinia hispida L. Bristly Locust, Rose Acacia

Distribution: Most of USA Some Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 722 (appended to R. pseudoacacia)

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 20 - Pseudo Acacia...

Catesby Desc: "... I visited them again at the proper time to get some seeds, but the ravaging Indians had burn'd the woods many miles around, and totally destroyed them, to my great disappointment; so that all I was able to procure of this specious tree was some specimens of it which remain in the Hortus ficcus of Sir H. Sloane, and that of Professor Dillenius at Oxford. But since I am informed that a plant of this tree has been introduced from America by Sir John Colliton, Bart. to his gardens at Exmouth in Devonshire.

Catesby Loc: "I never saw any of these trees but at one place near the Apalatchian mountains, where Bufellos has left their dung; and some of the trees had their branches pulled down, from which I conjecture they had been browsing on the leaves."

Salmea petrochioides Griseb. Shanks (Aster family)

Distribution: Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 72 - Frutex &c

Samolus ebracteatus Kunth Limewater Brookweed

Distribution: Parts of South USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 30 - Frutex aqauticus &c.

Catesby Loc: the woods of Virginia and Carolina

Sarracenia flava L. Yellow Pitcherplant

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 510

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 69 - Sarracena

Catesby Loc: "These plants grow in bogs and watery places in Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Pensylvania."

Sarracenia purpurea L. Purple Pitcheplant

Distribution: Coastal USA most of Canada

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 510

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 70 - Sarracena

Catesby Loc: same as previous

Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees Sassafras

Synonym: S. officinale, S. sassafras, S. varlifolium, Laurus albidus, L. sassafras

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 371 (under Laurus sassafras)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 55 - Sassafras

Catesby Loc: "...will bear our climate, as appears by several now at Mr. Collinson's at Peckham; where they have withstood the cold of several winters."

Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl Gullfeed

Distribution: Florida, LA, TX

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 929 (under Lobelia plumierii)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 79 - Lobelia &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. False Mastic

Synonym: Mastichodendron foetidissimum

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 75 - The Mastic Tree

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Silene virginica L. Fire Pink

Distribution: Eastern USA, Ontario

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 54 - Lychnis &c

Catesby Loc: "... sandy woods near Charles-Town in Carolina."

Smilax bona-nox L. Saw Greenbrier

Distribution: East and South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1030 (under Smilax tamnoides but now considered to be the separate species Smilax bona-nox)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 52 - Smilax &c.

Catesby Desc: "Of these roots the inhabitants of Carolina make a diet-drink, attributing great virtues to it in cleaning the blood, &c. They likewise in the spring boil the tender shoots and eat them prepared like asparagus. Tis called there China Root."

Smilax herbacea L. Smooth Carrionflower

Synonym: Nemexia herbacea

Distribution: Eastern USA, East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 47 - Smilax &c.

Smilax laurifolia L. Laurel Greenbrier

Synonym: S. megacarpa

Distribution: Southeast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1030

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 15 - The bay-leaved Smilaz

Smilax smallii Morong Small Greenbrier, Lanceleaf Greenbrier

Synonym: S. lanceolata, S. domingensis

Distribution: Southeast USA

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 84 - Smilax...

Catesby Loc: boggy areas in Carolina

Spigelia marilandica (L.) L. Woodland Pinkroot

Distribution: Southeast USA + some Mid-West

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 78 - The Indian Pink

Catesby Desc: "The plant was in blossom, the first of August 1738, in the garden of Mr. Christ. Gray at Fulham, and endures the winter without any protection."
"A decoction made of this plant is good against worms."

Stewartia malacodendron L. Silky Camellia, Virginia Stewartia

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 698

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 13 - Steuartia

Catesby Desc: "For this elegant plant I am obliged to my good friend Mr. Clayton, who sent it me from Virginia, and three months after its arrival it blossom'd in my garden at Fulham, in May 1742."

Swietenia mahogani (L.) Jacq. West Indian Mahogany

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 81 - The Mahogany Tree

Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Salisb. ex Nutt. Skunk Cabbage

Synonym: Spathyema foetida

Distribution: Northeast USA and East Canada

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 71 - The Scunk Weed

Catesby Desc: "The introduction of this most curious plant with innumerable others, is owing to the indefatigable attachment of Mr. Collinson, who in the year 1735, received it from Pensylvania, and in the spring following it displayed itself in this manner at Peckham."

Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L Her. Common Sweetleaf

Distribution: South USA

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 54 - Arbor lauri fol: &c

Catesby Desc: "The roots of this plant are made use of in decoctions, and are esteemed a good stomachic and cleanser of the blood."

Catesby Loc: "moist and shady woods, in the lower parts of Carolina."

Tabebuia bahamensis Britton White Dwarf Tabebuia

Distribution: Caribbean

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 37 - Bignonia

Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. Bald Cypress

Distribution: East and South USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 1003 (under Cupressus disticha)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 11 - The Cypress of America

Catesby Desc: "Four or five foot round this tree (in a singular manner) rise many stumps, some a little above ground, and others from one to four foot high, of various shape and size, their tops round, covered with a smooth red bark. These stumps shoot from the roots of the tree, yet they produce neither leaf nor branch..."

Theobroma cacao L. Cacao

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 782

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 6 - The Cacao Tree

Catesby Loc: "native of America, and grows in no other part of the world. The places of its growth are in the Bay of Campeachy, on Costa Rica between Portabel and Nicaragua, the coast of Caraccos, Guaiaquil, and Colima."

Thespesia populnea (L.) Sol. ex Corrêa Portia Tree

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 694 (under Hibiscus populneus)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 90 - The Maho-Tree

Tillandsia fasiculata Sw. Giant Airplant

Distribution: GA, Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: (Edition 2) Volume 1 page 410 (under Tillandsia polystachia)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 89 - The Wild Pine

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Trillium catesbaei Elliot Bashful Wakerobin

Distribution: Al, GA, NC, SC, TN

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 339-40 (under Trillium cernuum but now considered to be the separate species Trillium catesbaei)

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 45 - Solanum &c flore carneo

Catesby Loc: "...I found at the sources of the great rivers; not having seen any in the inhabited parts of Carolina."

Trillium sessile L. Toadshade

Distribution: Most of Eastern USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 340

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 50 - Solanum &c fl: purpurea

Catesby Loc: "They grow in shady thickets in most parts of Carolina."

Uniola paniculata L. Seaoats

Distribution: East and South Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 71

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 32 - The Sea-Side Oat

Catesby Loc: sand hills near the sea

Vanilla planifolia Andrews Vanilla

Synonym: V. fragrans

Distribution: Florida, Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 952 (under Epidendrum vanilla)

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 7 - The Vanelloe

Catesby Desc: "With this fruit the Spaniards perfume their chocolate, and employ Indians to cure the pods, which they do by laying them in the sun to dry; then dipping them in an oil drawn from the kernal of the Acajou nut. This perfume is so little agreeable to an English palate, that it is rarely made use of any more in our American plantations than at home, and therefore not cultivated by us."

Catesby Loc: "They grow naturally in many places between the Tropicks, particularly at Boccatoro, lying in ten degrees north latitude."

Wedelia bahamensis (Britton) O.E.Schultz Rong Bush

Distribution: Bahamas

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 92 - Chrysanthemum &c

Xylophylla epiphyllanthus L. Swordbush

Synonym: X. epiphyllantha

Distribution: Caribbean

Species Plantarum: Volume 2 page 981 (under Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus)

Catesby Ref: Volume II plate 26 - Phyanthos &c

Catesby Loc: Bahamas

Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L. Hercule's Club

Synonym: Zanthoxylum macrophyllum

Distribution: Southeast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 270

Catesby Ref: Volume I plate 26 - The Pellitory or Tooth-ach Tree

Catesby Desc: "used by the people inhabiting the sea coasts of Virginia and Carolina for the tooth-ach, which has given it its name."

Zephyranthes atamasco (L.) Herbert Atamasco Lily

Synonym: Zephyranthes atamasco, Amaryllis atamasco

Distribution: Southeast Coast USA

Species Plantarum: Volume 1 page 292 (under Amaryllis atamasca (changed to A. atamasco in Edition 2))

Catesby Ref: Appendix plate 12 - The Attamusco Lily

Catesby Loc: "... native of Virginia and Carolina, where in particular places the pastures are as thick sprinkled with them and Martagons, as Cowslips and Orchis's are with us in England."